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David Folker 3DModeling&Animation Ohlone College

(510) 506-1555

My Work

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My Work

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My experience

3D Modeling and Animation Instructor Teaching at Ohlone College since 2009
Transcripts Available - link at top of page

My experience

3D Modeling and Animation Instructor Teaching at Ohlone College since 2009
Transcripts Available - link at top of page

My Students' Work

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My Students' Work

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3D Animations

Chicken Dynr; 3DS Max, Photoshop, Premiere - more animations below

Allure; 3DS Max, Photoshop, Premiere

Ichthyosaur swim cycle - Right Click: play with Loop

Bad Excavator!  Modeled from specs, to scale, but very low-poly

TV Guide logo

Planet Explosion - Fun with Particles